Philippe Petit
Chapter 3

A Description

Hitch-hiking Thru Bronze Mirrors is the third and final chapter of the Extraordinary Tales Of A Lemon Girl trilogy depicting a «fruity» Lemon girl’s nonsensical journeys to oneiric lands.

Our heroin is slowly traveling back to reality, into a beautiful natureland though permeated by an atmosphere of pollution. The score is more acoustic, using a rich palette of instruments and paying attention to themes and melodies although being riddled here and there by some off-kilter sonic eruptions, dissonances or prepaired tunings/instruments.

The Lemon Girl comes back home, “safe and sound” but action and suspense are still thrilling “listeners-in-danger” with a sense of uncertainty about the happy ending… Life isn’t easy nowadays… Is it?!

Mind the gap !

A Artist Info

Philippe Petit is interested in soundtracks; even if he creates original music he’d rather be introduced as a “musical travel agent” than a composer. Petit uses an Electric Psalterion and Hackbrett Cymbalum + computer and synths to build up electronic layers, process acoustic and field recordings.

To second the machine he likes to move various glasses, or percussive objects, and take advantage of vinyl material to fondle released sounds.
A journalist for various magazines and radio as well as a musical activist, Petit has celebrated 28 years of activism, sharing his musical passions as the man behind the cult labels Pandemonium Rdz. and BiP_HOp.

Aside his solo works, Petit has assembled what people call a dream-team of collaborators, often joining Lydia Lunch or Faust onstage, and working with: FoetusEugene Robinson (Oxbow)Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots)KumoScott McCloud (Girls Against Boys)Cosey Fanni Tutti (Throbbing Gristle)MurcofMy Brightest DiamondSybaritePantaleimonGraham Lewis (Wire)Barry AdamsonScannerCindytalkMira CalixKammerflimmer KollektiefGuapoLeafcutter JohnJames Johnston (Gallon Drunk/Bad Seeds/Faust)ASVAJarboe and many more…

He is also the founder (w/ Hervé Vincenti) of the international collective Strings Of Consciousness.

A Metadata

Formats : CD/LP Boxset/mp3
Catalog Number CD : AGO052
Catalog Number Boxset : 
Release Date : October 24 2012

1. Movement I
2. Movement II
3. Movement III
4. Movement IV
5. Movement V
6. Movement VI
7. Movement VII
8. Movement VIII
9. Movement IX
10. Movement X

A Purchase

LP Boxset (3 Albums) : $42.00 + Shipping costs
CD (Chapter III) : $10.00 + Shipping costs
Immediate Download (3 albums) : $6.99
iTunes (3 albums) : $9.99

Not eligible for UK or EU shipping.

A Artwork

B Listen to Track 9


Philippe Petit
Extraordinary Tales Of A Lemon Girl Chapter III

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